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Forget the 9-9-9 and Do the 5-5-5!

Getting Your Business to Succeed Without Government Help

I have been hearing a lot about this 9-9-9 plan these days and to be perfectly honest I can’t say that I know anything about it. This post isn’t to debate government issues but to help you reach your dreams! I was listening to an audio cd that came with my most recent Success magazine earlier today and they were discussing ways to be successful in any business. They called it the 5-5-5 rule. What this means is to do 5 different things for your business at least 5 times a day, 5 days a week and you will start to get momentum on your side. For example you can make 5 sales/prospecting calls a day then do that 5 times a week. Pick 4 other areas that can help your business and repeat those same steps. What this will do for you is it will start to create momentum and we all know “An object that is in motion will not change its velocity unless an unbalanced force acts upon it.” This is the way to break through and not let an “unbalanced force” act upon you.

What Will Happen When You Do This?

First, you are going to notice that all the sudden you are staying more productive and actually getting results. The result may not be exactly the results that you planned but none the less they will be results. You will also start to become more comfortable doing these things and increase your numbers a little. Soon it will increase to doing 5 things a day 6 times. What that means is that lets say your task is to make sales calls like I talked about earlier. You will make 6 sales calls a day instead of 5 and keep increasing that number as things get easier for you. Here is a list of some of the things you can do to increase your business productivity:

  1. Sales Calls
  2. Follow Up calls
  3. Social Networking Posts
  4. Connect with X number of people
  5. Add People to you Social Network
  6. 1 on 1 Meetings
  7. Team Trainings
  8. Pick Up Business Cards
  9. Write Ads
  10. Passive Marketing

The important thing is to find 5 things that you can do daily to make your business grow. It is your business so don’t worry about what others might say because at the end of the day you are the one who cares the most about reaching YOUR own dreams!

If you liked this post I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your comments.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Matt Welch


PS If you want a simple,step by step way to build a list, an online presence, and make money from Social Media Click Here to learn about the only GOVERNMENT APPROVED way to make money on Facebook. (You will need to authorize the app to watch the presentation)

PSS: My company is now in pre launch in the UK! For More Info on
Numis, Go here – Matt and Numis

‘. How to Laugh at Your Boss When You Are Let Go!

What is YOUR plan B?

This blog is going to be short and sweet. I will let the video do most of the talking. I wanted to talk discuss options on finding a plan B when it comes to your job. In todays day and age many people are finding themselves being let go by a company that they have faithfully served for long periods of time. Most people never even see it coming and then again some people do. The question is “What are you doing to prepare yourself for this?” Have you even thought about a plan B? I will tell you that you NEED to be looking for a plan B income and it is best to develop it before you lose your job or are forced out. Your family depends on you and it is just a smart idea to have some sort of back up plan because the days of working for a company for your entire career are behind us. Don’t get caught with your head in the sand on this issue and start creating it now!

This video below is done by a personal friend of mine named Ray Higdon. He is interviewing Amy Jo Neal and she explains how 3 years ago she began to build her plan B income and just recently she was let go from a job paying her a multiple 6 figure income. How would you deal with this? Watch this video below and it may change your whole viewpoint on job security. You owe it to yourself to be informed on what your options are when it comes to looking for a back up plan.

Here is my plan B. If you would like more information on what I do feel free to contact me at any time!

If you liked this post I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your comments.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Matt Welch


How to Fix Your Facebook Marketing.

Don’t Be a Dirtbag Marketer

I want to talk a little bit about marketing on Facebook for your home based business. First let me say that I have very little tolerance for what I am about to talk about and if you do it you will get blocked immediately. What am I talking about? Posting a link on my wall to your opportunity WITHOUT my permission or recommendation. I have had many discussions with my friends on Facebook about this but I wanted to write it in a blog for everyone to see. There are quite a few reasons why you should not do this:

  1. Makes you look un-professional– Posting your link on someone elses wall is not the way to build your business. Basically what you are doing is trying to steal views from your friends friend list and making it look like you friend has endorsed what you are pitching. Why is this bad? For all the friends on my list I am very cautious of what is exposed to them because there is so much crap out there that I do not want my image tarnished by someone posting a link to something I don’t recommend.  Bottom line is that you look very desperate if you use this tactic.
  2. It is like playing the lottery– When you post your link on someones wall you are hoping other perfect prospects click on it and then sign up. Why doesn’t this work? Well network marketing is a relationship business. Always have been and always will be. You have to build some sort of relationship with people before you expose them to your opportunity. Take this example. Let’s say I walk up to you on the street and the first words out of my mouth are “Hey you should check out this amazing opportunity. Go to http://www.blahblahblah.com.” Would you be receptive to that? Most people would just walk away. Now if I approached you and complimented you on something I seen and then started a conversation with you. At the end of the conversation I say “Hey just throwing it out there, but would you be open to a side project if it didn’t interfere with what you are currently doing? If you are I can send you a little video but if not no big deal.” Now doesn’t that give you a little better chances of getting them to view your presentation?

I hope this helps some of you who might be new to marketing on Facebook. If you ever want any advice feel free to contact me and you can run how you want to market by me and I will help you tweak it if need be.

If you liked this post I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your comments.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Matt Welch


PS If you want a simple,step by step way to build a list, an online presence, and make money from Social Media Click Here to learn about the only GOVERNMENT APPROVED way to make money on Facebook. (You will need to authorize the app to watch the presentation)

PSS: My company is now in pre launch in the UK! For More Info on
Numis, Go here – Matt and Numis

The Pressure Approach Creates Amateur Business

Under Pressure

Do you ever get those telemarketing calls where the person on the other end is totally desperate to sell you something? What do you usually do? For me I usually am polite and just tell them I am not interested but I have had others that i needed to just hang up on entirely. I understand it is their job to sell whatever it is they are selling and usually it involves pressuring people into buying. This may work for telemarketers because they have so many people to call and some people just have a hard time saying no when they are pressured into doing something. For network marketing if you use this approach it will not only kill your business but it will also make you look like an amature in the process. Why do I say this? There are a few reasons:

  1. Using a pressure tactic does not make anyone like you more. This is a relationship building business and the goal is to get people to relate to you. You may get people to sign up but they will not stay with you over the long-term because they may not even like you.
  2. Amatures convince and professionals sort. What this means is that when you try to pressure people into your business you look like you need them and have lost all power. Professionals sort out the people they prospect and find the ones that are hungry to build a business. They won’t convince the ones that are on the fence because a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
  3. Being a pressure “salesman/woman” is not something everyone you prospect wants or can do. I will say there are great sales people out there that can use pressure to make a sale but throw that stuff out the window when you build a network marketing business. Your job is not to sell. It is to share the information about your company and follow-up. Sales people sometimes have a hard time getting going in this business because of that. They are trained to “close the deal” and not share the information after building rapport. Get it in your mind that you are there to help people and not convince them. Helping them make the best decision for them may mean that they do not join you and that is ok.

It is said that pressure creates diamonds but when we talk about it in this field you don’t want to put it on while recruiting. Allow them to join how they want to join and just hold them accountable to what they say they can do. Get permission before you push them. Once they give you that permission you will be able to apply that precise pressure they need to grow and achieve the success they desire in you business.

If you liked this post I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your comments.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Matt Welch


PS If you want a simple,step by step way to build a list, an online presence, and make money from Social Media Click Here to learn about the only GOVERNMENT APPROVED way to make money on Facebook. (You will need to authorize the app to watch the presentation)

PSS: My company is now in pre launch in the UK! For More Info on
Numis, Go here – Matt and Numis

What You Can Achieve Part Time May Surprise You!

Part Time Fortune or Full Time Living

With the economy that we are currently going through more and more people are trying to find ways to increase their income. Some are working 2nd and even 3rd jobs. My view on this is 2 jobs are for 2 people. One job is enough for anyone to handle in most cases. What other options might someone have if working a 2nd job is out of the question? Well one great way is to start a business. The problem most people have with this is that they think they will have to quit their current job to build a business because it will take full-time effort. This doesn’t have to be the case if you find a business that you can work from home.

Starting part-time with a home business can be one of the easiest ways to generate the extra income you need to make things more comfortable. You also do not need to quit your full-time job right away to build it. Working from home allows you to be able to build it on your time and work with who you want to. It also allows you to be able to leverage other people’s time to increase your business. By building a part-time business you can get to a point where it pays you more than your full-time job. Then you have some serious options. To keep your job or not keep your job is a different feeling than whether or not your employer will keep you or let you go. You will have become job optional. All this can be achieved by consistent effort applied over a part-time basis. I once heard that “you work your job to make a living but you work part-time on your fortune.” How much could you achieve if your efforts were applied properly to a part-time home business? The sky is the limit!

If you liked this post I would love to hear from you. Please leave me your comments.

Dedicated to Your Success,

Matt Welch


PS If you want a simple,step by step way to build a list, an online presence, and make money from Social Media Click Here to learn about the only GOVERNMENT APPROVED way to make money on Facebook. (You will need to authorize the app to watch the presentation)

PSS: My company is now in pre launch in the UK! For More Info on
Numis, Go here – Matt and Numis